Orson Hyde

He has a fabulous mesh tunic.

He's got to sell them sweet rooms in Wydhym hotels.

This season has been less bloody than I thought it would be. Then again the cast is so depopulated and there's so little time left in the show… they can't bring in any new characters at this point.

Is that like a shade of 'wildfire green'?

There's horror stuff on many sides. Many sides.

Firefly scratched an itch (these days, The Expanse is a soothing balm for that itch). The last 4 episodes of Dollhouse are a gonzo display nutty joy. That's about the extent of the response he gets from me.

They can't even, or won't even fuck the field assistant that works in the basement and got a new hat on Friday, and is also me. I sort of forgot who they is in this… Movie directors?

Like were all his casting and writing decisions measured against how much 'feminist cred' he could get, and then cash in for poon… no… were some? Maybe.

I've never seen them in the same place at the same time.

It's less weird to hear a guy say 'I agree with feminists/ism' than straight up 'I am a feminist', but I'm not going to drop a hammer one way or another. Really, just some simple observations of how a dude talks about/relates to the ladies in his life is more informative than a self declaration.

They can't all be saints like Roger Corman.

Yes you can.

'Disgraced former cable news host O'riley…'

I like ships that don't get hit.

Eh, I had a 'what can I see with just my sunglasses on?' Moment. Extra stupid points were awarded for doing it right at the start.

Well, yeah, but one of those other old white men can order a beer or ice tea or something like that at some point… right? Like, shit hasn't gotten so petty at the White House the people that work there can't order an additional beverage at Presidential meals? Wait… ugh… that I even have to ask that…

If the formatting doesn't suck, I can get past it. If'n I'm having to scroll past a bunch of Newswires and GJIs just to get to the morning interview, or TVClub stuff… well, let's just say I will not be a happy camper.

I'll give the benefit of the doubt and say that other people are given an opportunity to order something else, just that Trump wants his Diet Coke as soon as he sits down and he's a busy, fancy, white man president that shouldn't have to be asked what he wants, because they work for him, and they should already know…

There's a few counter-protests organized and they Mayor said 'Don't come here if you're going to pardon Arpaio' or something like that. People have tried to run down protestors there before. I grew up there, but don't live there anymore so… eh, we'll see. Maybe it'll be a boneheaded speech and a bunch of people

I'm curious how things will go in Phoenix… the people of that fine city can be quite… 'animated' at times.