Orson Hyde

Sweet sweet up-vote milk.

I was walking back from lunch, and a dramatic darkness swept towards me, as a big puffy cloud moved in front of the sun.

Where does that theory come from? Like… where is it supported in the text?

It was great seeing vintage Littlefinger in the 'previously on' segment…

They needed to have that silliness to cover up Sam's 'grab a handful of books and hope a solution is in them' gambit.

Was that Clash 19? No wait, it's Mike the Hammer that shows up for that one… I was so mad I missed it this year… Indy Wrestling in a AAA Baseball stadium just has a special kind of thing going on.

"Hey? Are you Alex Jones? Throw coffee on Alex Jones!"
"Kid, you're not supposed to say the 'throw coffee' part you're supposed to throw the coffee on me."
"Oh shit, sorry man, I just got caught up in the moment."

Local Indy Wrass'ling scenes are the most beautiful and glorious displays of entertainment and questionable life choices you can find. It's $20 to sit ringside and yell quipy shit at the performers and try to get them to crack… worth every penny.

I keep saying 'would this show get that stupid?' And… the answer isn't 'no' as often as it used to be.

He rowed all the way to Dragonstone… naturally.

He got so fucking lucky that a technological revolution happened while he was in office. That boost to consumer spending and efficiency is something he has no right to take credit for, and yet, he is given credit for it.*

Mrs Clinton's time as Secretary of State has a few issues as well. Shit, there's a whole other American continent we ignore… for some reason??? (Always flabbergasted that we try to turn dictatorships into democracies instead of focusing our foreign policy on making democracies representative and equitable… you know,

Cosby was pretty condescending.

After the USSR left Afghanistan, every intelligence officer familiar with the region said 'hey! Don't just drop this, it could become a real ugly place, with real ugly results.' The Reagan/Bush people were just happy to have dead Russian soldiers and the Clinton people had a reactionary style, more focused on

I'm not super familiar with his work and thoughts, I'd like to think his 'fake moon landing' stuff is more of a bit. As far as 9/11 goes, it wasn't an inside job, but the administration did a lot to cover up complacency, incompetence, and incredulity. Building 7? If it was full of CIA stuff, and the CIA is as crazy as

Those places are super stressful.

Oh man, those pellets are so fucking good.

People don't have tails

Me too!

I agree with that… on one hand, honororing martial commitment, on the other hand, a better Union and reconstruction effort would have set in place a situation where dudes were so ashamed of their CSA service. Because they should be.