Orson Hyde

How do you feel about ignorance and suffering?

Well… Gerald Bull never got a statue.

TR would be extra cool with white nationalism.

There's another CSA monument near the state capitol. Someone draped it with a lot of '2nd Place' and 'Participant' regalia from a cheap party store.

Carnivale will do that too.

But even in the aftermath of treason and defeat, they were still able to subjugate African-American citizens instead of representing them democratically and economically.

Cemetary monuments are fine by me. Traffic circles, public parks, and official buildings, that's too much man.

No, but DAC and SCV got a healthy boost in AZ in the 50s and 60s as part of a general backlash to the Civil Rights Movement.


Oh yeah… I fan patched the hell out of it.

Drug people think life is boring without drugs, what they don't realize is that they are boring and can't think of anything to do besides drugs… I like doing grass and sitting on the couch for a bit as much as the next guy, but shit it's no big deal to NOT get high. If I was having a good time with someone and they

The research thing I heard anecdotally from a friend years ago… I think, specifically it's armor research… so, you're not cheating… you just heard it from a rambling drunk.

For a second I thought you were talking about Bretch's 'Saint Joan of the Stockyards'… boy oh boy I'd like to see that staged.

I laugh like a bastard all the way through that movie. I don't think the people next to me at the event screening last year were pleased.

Trying to explain Firesign Theater to people is a nightmare. I gave up a while ago and just leave it at 'Listen to it or don't'… also, those 'Filmumentaries', Star Wars Begins et al are a hard sell conversationally.

Oh yeah… I was a brawler with no super speed so the zombie quest was a hard fail or a hard skip. Which was the werewolf quest? Is that endgame?

My opinion of the show has dropped a lot. I figured Kings Landing would be exclusively populated by Cersi, Qybrn, and The Mountain this season.

I've missed the last few episodes, so I'm curious… has the show, like, shown anyone else in Kings Landing this season? Like have there been scenes set in the streets or marketplaces?

It's a book thing. It's what the ladies drink to avoid pregnancies… I can't remember if it's implied to abortive or contraceptive. Cersi gets Qyburn to torture a singer that hangs out with Margery to admit that she and her friends drink it all the time, and uses that as evidence of promiscuity to report her to the

When I learned that and started a fresh game concentrating on that… it felt like cheating. I still haven't managed to crack the nut of Xcom2… but it is good fun. I made all my snipers wear glasses, because those chuckleheads cant hit shit.