Orson Hyde

Oh that fucking movie…

Shit, pick up a travel guide for the place you want to set your game… or wikipedia… getting slang and accents just right for native speakers is probably pretty tricky (like in Max Payne and Deus Ex), but not getting the local language right in a globetrotting treasure hunting game seems pretty, not lazy, but something

I love Binary Domain… I got it in a bundle and fired it up and was just blown away… by how easy it was to quit the first time it asked me say something in the microphone.

Oh dude… You have got to get those satellites up in Enemy Unknown. Also be careful how fast you research… the 'enemy strength scaling' is tied to it in some way.

I got up to that jerk with the sniper rifle, and just didn't have the build to get up to him… so I'll just have to start over with a new character… what a shame :)

GOG Pinata sale is going on… I got 12… Notable gets: Shadow Warrior 2013, Brothers… and 2 of the Shadowrun games… which I already have on Steam, but way back in 2013 I pirated Returns (the first one) so I guess this is some form of karma or penance.

Because it came out so effing long ago. But I'll share with you a deep love for that movie.

Egh gross, no… it was Snoop Dogg, of all people. There was a time in his career when Snoop would open for ICP.

As long as the profit potential is higher than the fine for failing to adhere to the contract, it's all gravy baby! Heck, you might even be able to settle with no admission of guilt, no admission.

It's an origin story called 'Obi Wan Kenoobie'

Oh it gets better, getting rid of him fixes, well, it fixes the obvious… but it does nothing to fix anything else.

I'm pro knowledge and pro getting drunk a lot, so I can meet them halfway.

Some of them like to do lots of drugs, all of them are enthusiastic about clown-themed horrorcore… that is… well, that's not really grounds for a 'gang designation' from the FBI. That would be like the FBI designating Burning Man participants as a 'gang'.

Anyone here been to an ICP show? I got a free ticket in 1999… you'll never guess who opened for them.

"It's okay, we have so many strong German soldiers and such an overwhelming technical advantage; we can have it all wrapped up toot sweet! 3 months tops! Just like France in 1914."

The multi city "March on Google" that was supposed to happen this weekend got 'postponed'… hah! more like 'post-PWND!!!!' (is that how the kids do it.

"Hey, if we're all set to march fro Moscow, shouldn't I pack, like a coat or something?"

That map isn't as interactive as I was led to believe.

Oh wow… that's a doozy… what do I have to do with the rest of my life to get a mural like that?

Ummm… John Brown was a straight up terrorist… and anti-slavery terrorist but still. Don't get me wrong, he's a fascinating figure (So is Sayyid Qtub) and his bungled raid on Hapers Ferry accelerated the abolitionist movement into more organized violence and resistence… a few other things… anyway, there really doesn't