Orson Hyde

When people ask about my heritage, I say 'white guy soup'.

Fuck it. Nixon… who gives a shit?

No English allowed

Yeah… that slope isn't as slippery as some people think it is.

That hot air balloon wedding vow champagne looks pretty good after a few months at 3500 feet.

There's a bit of the early 20th century labor movement that was able to boost its numbers under the message of (paraphrasing here) "You can't treat White people like this!" (implied: sure, blacks and asians, fine, whatever… but white people?! No way!)

Soooooooort of… fascism has the State working with Bussiness/Industry to acomplish ideological/national goals. That's how you get the ole 'Liberals/Democrats are the 'real' fascists' bullshit, because for the last 30 years Industry has been compelled to be more inclusive* and less discriminatory. The recent desertion

'Dirty Ears Donny' has that great alliteration.

Ugh.. sometimes that's too hard to type out.

I've been fantasizing about the logistics of building some sort of airship.

I want Michael Shannon to hang out with me for a week to prepare for a role.

Oh, sweet sweet MDK… Good Old Games had that on special last week, but I didn't want to tarnish the memories.

I grew up with a shitty PC and no console, so most of the gaming I participated in was either scalped at a friends' house or read about on the sad, pre-broadband internet. The production cycle of announcement to previews to reviews was my jam. Even today, I read about games more than I play them.

'Next week on Fake Socks' "Mein or Nein"'

Real, human, non bigots will say something like 'I get annoyed with people or groups of people sometimes. And social boundaries and the differences between different groups is an easy source of humor. So easy that, often times, it's just lazy. I owe my audience better than lazy bottom of the barrel humor…"

Oh no, there's a classic one of a guy going through Jurassic Park: Trespasser. It's the gold standard. Informative, full of context, and development stories, well researched, with a dry sense of humor about that mess of a game ad it's place in pop culture history. Give it a watch.

you're fine, lots of people don't see the appeal of watching That guy.

Alright, I'm going to enjoy this!
*walks off to a bar*

Say it right Frenchie! Chow-DAH!

He's got a thing for the new flesh.