Orson Hyde

You're not wrong, but video games/development/consumption isn't a monolith… it's more a constantly shifting lopsided structure, like a Calder, or the shit in a Lava Lamp.

Yeah, there's a lot of social and cultural factors at play to the (occasionally anecdotal) claim that men are dropping out of the the dating scene/giving up on marriage/deprioritising relationships. Does porn play NO role in the three(!) things I listed? No, but there's so much more going on.

I said yesterday they should go into a 'Post-Reconstruction Museum' or something like that… these all went up decades after the civil war often in the super duper extra racist first 2 decades of the 20th century. There was a lot of '20th Century is the White Man's Century, for he has at last pacified and laid claim to

I've been listening to a pocast about the Manson Family, I didn't need another reason to dislike the Beatles, but I got one.

There's a few ballads, chanties, maybe a dirge or two from the War of 1812 that are pretty catchy… I went on a 19th Century music from wars kick last year (in the laziest way possible: typed 'civil war music' in YouTube and selected the longest playlist that came up)… Some of it's pretty great. Not in the 'this music

And you get that sweet sweet after-hours/swing shift lucre

It's sad for everyone, he was a great guy, and a demon in the sack if there was violin music playing.

And Gene Wilder is dead!

Those militaries were usually much smaller than ours, barely more competent than what they were replacing and, I don't know probably one other thing too. There's juuust enough of a difference to make rolling the dice worth it. It won't be, but like you said, it is pretty seductive.

Yeah but I never got a chance to send you a card.

Close Range fight scenes with some hammy supporting characters. If you like your low budget action pure (single location) give it a shot. I thought the script could use a few more drafts and the cinematography is pretty flat. I've hear good stuff about all 4 Undisputed movies, heck, the first one is directed by Walter

Ok, that's makes sense for protecting him… I tapped out at season 5.

God! I bet that's how he greets, just, every last person he meets these days.

Welcome to America, we uh… are going through some issues for the moment.

That's some good swamp draining there Donny boy.

On the other hand, the military enjoys single payer healthcare, on the job training in many fields, takes climate change seriously as a National Security threat, is a adapting their culture to respect the LGBT community and representation of women in the workforce, invests in their employees and aggressively

You know who's having a GREAT day? George W Bush. He's all toddling about… beboppin around like light bulb with shoes on… thinking to himself, "Woo hoo! All those biographers and historians that had the knives out for me just got a much nicer target. I'm just going to be a footnote in 21st Century U.S. Decline!"

"That would just make him a martyr"
"Who? Mulder?"
"To whom? He doesn't publish the findings of his investigations, he works in the basement, he has no social life, and doesn't make public appearances. Outside of the FBI and a handful of school chums I don't think anyone knows he's alive."
"What about the Lone

Boy, he couldn't last a day. Wait, what am I saying? He's never been able to keep a lid on his shit.

Shit? That's how you do it? I just gave up… like well, I got my $10s worth several times over at this point.