Orson Hyde

I'd rather the corn subsidies were lightened instead, but… whatever, gets people drinking less soda.

I like 'Flame and Citron' over 'Inglorious Basterds' for my extra judicial WWII Nazi killing. It's got a much more European perspective and shows that even righteous resistance can be exploited by the powerful… something to keep in mind.

Okay? The first one is great! Nice balance of action and stealth, fun kinetic gunplay, and stellar production design… wait, nevermind, on the first level out of the hospital they hide annoying tiny flying enemies behind a lens flare. I fucking hate that shit. Bioshock Infinite pulled that shit all. the. damn. time.

It would be more morally honest (as well as keeping with Jim Crow tradition) to have a beaming openhanded statue facing the White neighborhoods, and a glowering fist-shaking statue facing (of equal height, naturally) the African-American neighborhoods.

He'll always be Knick Knack for me.

Yeah, there's a big one of Jefferson Davis or Lee or some asshole that was erected (hah!) intentionally facing away from the African American side of town. A town that had easily identifiable racial divides because it was managed in a way that encouraged that… total dick move.

It stands on its own pretty well.

In a way the act of vandalism has become a part of the oral history of the area, so lateral move? I found out about it from a local, and whenever I was hanging out around there with someone new to the area I'd let them know about it. Local oral history is always fun too, because it gets people talking:
"Why's there a

I will never not get that movie confused with Sexy Beast.

Phoenix isn't on film much, so when Sicario tried to play off New Mexico as Arizona, most people didn't notice. I fucking did though!

Oof, that is most unfortunate.

That's why it was just the one name that got removed. Whatever useful services he provided to the people of Colorado that deserved commemoration is made entirely forfeit when shoot them with machine guns.

There's a monument up in the Rockies. It lists the names of, I don't know, like a group Army guys that surveyed the area for settlers around the turn of the century (19th), One of the dude's listed on the monument later went on to perpetrate/participate in the Ludlow Massacre. At some point between when it got put up

That's why I'm neutral when these ideological groups are confronted by means 'outside the system' (unauthorized counter protest, direct action, even humanitarian outreach; for which, funding was recently cut). They are advocating for a system, already struggling to achieve an egalitarian outcome in this country and

I used to make statues… it's a real pain in the ass, I'd be lying if I said there weren't parts of the production and assembly process where I wanted to rip some shit down.

So… if the Intent is to demonstrate as provocatively as possible without transgressing the Legal line of Incitement, how is that an expression Peaceful Right to Assemble? Where is the boundary, moral or legal, between provocation and incitement? One of the things that really pisses me off about these assholes is that

Man, it's so weird… like there's so many facets to this weekend.

I say 'no bigs' instead of 'no big deal', because I'm Fly and impatient.

The fuck it has!

You know much of my people, and their ways.