Orson Hyde

Yeah… Fridays tries to be a fucking 'event!', at Applebee's (last at one in early 2012, rural Utah), at least they leave you the fuck alone.

Look up 'Nightmare at Noon' on YouTube.

damn it!

Duuude… I'm going through some serious New Vegas withdrawals while I'm drinking right now, and I can't read shit like that now.

That'll show those stuffy fucks at the yacht club.

Fuck, you might as well buy a whole new submarine at that point.

I do that every Monday.

Oh, #14, not 4… I uh… I got to go edit a post.

Isn't a chunk of Shade 4 welding glass like 7 bucks?

Easy there buddy, don't overdo it.

'I'll mace you good boy!'

Whaaat? That's an extra fucked up cherry on top of the ice cream of a fucked up story. I'm glad that she was able to to communicate the situation to the next person that had to work that house.

Gentlemen you can't be reasonable in here, this is the internet!

Rough stuff man, Qualls is awesome.

Yeah… it was a South Park reference… not my finest moment…

Yeah, what the hell? I still have an hour and change before I can split.

Dude I know.

I'll say it again, there should be an Oscar for best stunt.

Tricks are something whores do for money… or candy.

That's a shitty turn of events.