Orson Hyde

Now I can tell masie williams, 'good job'

They really are… I got dangerously drunk for Dunkirk and Transformers 4… they're practically the same movie.

It's also not good. Well Made, but not good.

Ooo I need to see Elle… also, holy fuck, Black Book is a great film.

It was 'not good'… I blame Crowe rather than Aranofsky.

Oh! Bring it on motherfucker! I'll slice and dice! The Fountain is better than all of you put together.

Chaos Reigns!

Crash into Traffic?

What are your thoughts on 'We Are Still Here'?

Will it be better than The Void? Hmmmm?

(Misses high five, falls down, presents boarding pass like a protective talisman…)


83? Holy fuck! There needs to be a fucking upper age limit. No one over 60!

Vermin Supreme can't keep doing that shit Forever!

Arizona was the gift, you jackass!

Cena's all right. Dude has a good sense of humor about himself.

If you care about things you're a stupid hypocrite… apparently.

Crushing enemies? Seeing them driven before you? Hearing the lamentations of their women?

I want that job.

Taft was fat, but he gave the US the best valentine's gift.