Orson Hyde

I'll be 38 in 2020, and with the drinking I've been doing… ummm yeah…

I tend to drink a lot.

Hah! Like I'm draftable… I couldn't make J-Squad on a good day.

Ooo sick burn on Taft!

He's a good actor… and it's a descent penis.

The Reeves Constantine is pretty good.


I'll save her life!

You can see Frank Langhella's penis in the '97 Lolita.

I got 3 of the 'X' games a while ago… they didn't really hook me. I thought I liked space-sims… but I don't think I do.

Sounds about right. Naughty Dog skates by on presentation.

Hey now! (But, yeah, ina way… it's not better than JW2)

Hey, asshole that just played Don't Stop Beiliveing on a jukebox… yeah, you. You're a piece of shit.

Yeah, but scotch does that too.

I like to think they had that magic blood script and it got made into four movies by accident.

I want a ticket!

Leftovers completely redeemed Lindlehof for me.

No, I snuck in to L/S the other 3 times I saw it in theaters.

Hey, I like Kansas.

I want to be the guy that stands behind him and say 'you are mortal'.