Orson Hyde

Did Sam?

Guess who wrote it? If you guessed Akiva Goldsman… then you are correct.

Because then they could fuck right.

'That's one cold fish I'd like to thaw.'

What so proudly/
We hailed…

Wait… Doss was supposed to be a Christ-figure? That went way over my head.

Oh sure, the first battle was pretty crackerjack. The second one… with all the slow motion, out of context shenanigans… what the hell was going on there? The Okinawa stuff was so compressed, it felt like they were there for a long weekend. What was up with intercutting the seppuku scene? It was embarrassing seeing all

I shantn't bury anavah Waine!

What little emotional punch his movies have is not derived from the dialog.

I drink next to a piece of wood he signed.

How can they all be at the bottom?

The Vegas stuff?

The Master… wefightnow!

I caught Hacksaw Ridge last night. Jesus, that movie is an embarrassment. Credit where credit is due… Hacksaw got an emotional reaction out of me… unlike Dunkirk.

Point 1 really sticks in my craw.

Ok, I'm always getting those two confused. Fishburn and Golblum are practically twins.

Hey! You haven't seen Cool World! The villian(s) is Kim Basinger and/or Gabriel Byrne. Mooch looks nothing like Byrne, in toon form or 'noid.

4 is some vintage, grimy, LA neon awesomeness.

I thought he was in II…

That's a very funny interpretation of the film, which I shall hereby adopt.