Orson Hyde

I'd like to think I spearheaded it. Because I'm a narcissist.

That's that classic Nolan-style "realism".

I'm not sure how linked the two events are, but I recall hbogo became available without a cable subscription soon after.

Counterpoint: Polly Walker as a robot loving cult leader.

Sigh… Kaine was not a good VP pick. It was a solid 'Him?'… Sanders would be cool, but his die-hards would desert and call him a sellout… Gore would have been dynastic, ummm… Booker? Too young. Some Red State Dem Gov… 'both parties are shit, burn it down'… I'm armchair quarterbacking, but damn, she had an upHil(???)

Whew.. for a second I thought the test was vaguely worded intentionally.

I can't use eBay or amazon because of that.

I keep all my money in booze. Then I drink that booze. Check and Mate, hackers.


Is the target programming still kept on a stack of 5.25" floppies?

We've got a few huge meteorological datasets… can someone please hack them and analyze them for me? You don't even need to hack them, they're available to the public!

What's the endgame here? The people who pay for HBO aren't going to stop… the people that have HBOgo, on their own or through Prime are fine, and the people that steal HBO shows aren't going to stop. I'm not aware of HBO doing anything super sleazy or anti-consumer lately. I don't get it.

Clearly, as a nation, we are quite divisible.

Purge 3 did it.

Wait? 'Biggest'? Is that the actual language on the test? What does that mean? Length? Flow Rate? Width? Width over Distance? Traffic? Depth?! What the shit is this? Who writes this asshole test?!

Hah! I'm going out to the wind farms there tomorrow… in the middle of a heat wave!

No One Lives Forever 2… I'll refrain from making an Austin Powers reference. That game is just great. There's no fancy gew gaws to augment the stealth like in modern games. Also, dudes wake up if you go non-leathal so you have to be constantly moving.

I was totally one of those guys. Now I live a mile and a half from work, so I just walk.

15th ave is pretty chill. There's lanes from Roosevelt to Northern, and plenty of school zones.

FUCK! Someone used the sink next to my desk yesterday now I'm sitting next to leaky sink sound.