Orson Hyde

From what I've seen, Griffith Park is lousy with naked androids and nearly naked giants.

No… it's cool, we can still be classist without religion.

I lived in rural Nor Cal for 4 years and developed a healthy antipathy to LA, sight unseen… I've really only been to Disneyland and LAX…

Who knows what sort of weird stuff dames would keep in their pockets.

It's a combination of drugs and natural social empathy. I'm sorry for your loss, but there isn't some sort of 'proper and respectful' amount of sadness. Be there for friends and family that are having a stronger reaction.

I can pretend to mug you guys and you can punch me on your next date… It's a little side business I'm trying to set up.

Use rhetoric that gets the other person talking about a subject in a way they want to…
'What are some of the projects you enjoyed?'
'Have you noticed any trends in your field or colleagues?'

You know broader questions.

That's ENTROPY Baby!

Just pull the Big Trouble card. The white adventurer 'bumbles' into a crazy situation.

As a kid I used to hate the musical number. Now that I'm older, I hate the things I did as a kid.

Brainwashing cursed blood HATES burn trauma. Everyone knows that.

Oh yeah! The Busby Berkeley opening number with the scramble for the antidote action scene… so good.

Oh come on! Evil Rubber Barons, Exploitave Spice Traders, Multi Ethnic Air Pirates, Cargo Cults, Rapacious Ozzys, Hubristic Japanese Imperials… That's just SE Asia… up in the Himalayas there's a lot of conflicting groups, and evil British. Shit, in South America too… Rubber Barons again, Argentine Knife Fighters,

I've softend a lot on Temple over the years. It's VERY un-PC, but completely unaware of it… and that 3rd act! After Shorty frees Indy with the power of love (ugh), it is firing on all cylinders.

It's aged into a goofy OTT abberation… my favorite kind of movie.

Don't none of you try to poulter me!

I'm with the sorceress on this one.

"Your emphasis on inclusion/equality/representation on this [topic of discussion] has been disproportionate the effect [this topic] has on its audience/the content of [this discussion]
Or, one could say:
"Someone triggered the SJW snowflake!"

I'm done with this world.

A friend my age (mid-30s) used it in conversation. I thought "Aren't you a bit old for that to be a concern?"

He's a stand-up dude.