Orson Hyde

Nah… I'm good.

Fulltime Killers is very accessible, in that goofy genre nonsense way.

Sadly, he outlasted Heat Lightning and Jack.

Sure, but he could have gone in to how 'supplements' are flavored dust, trends in ad copy time on IW, the weird 'media empire' of citizen journalists/bloggers that IW uses, or even Jones' humble origins as an anti-bush Austin radical, and how his show has calcified into toxcicity over the years. It's a rich tapestry.

"Weahs da rowbutt?"
"He… it, was only scripted to be in that one scene"
"Nah… nah-uh.. geddum back. Huave ya seen that guy? Widdadrings and thugh… thugh Lawgans? GEDDUM BAG!!!"


It would be a magical thing to be there on set when Stallone first saw the robot 'preform'.

A halberd would be way too heavy.

That… see… any (and every) detailed explanation/account of the first year of this administration is going to include that factoid: "The third communications director was fired shortly after telling a reporter that the President's Chief Strategist was 'suck[ing] his own cock [and] building his brand on the President's

That's the infowars narrative… I'm a hateful dumb brainwashed liberal, so all I see is a barely functioning administration that's seriously short-staffed.

… and My Bow!

That's the part of this I really love…

Oh… Comms… All in, it will fit into a great bar ramble in 20 years… "…hmmm let's see, then I was Trump's Director of Communications for a few weeks… I fell out of it just as fast as I got in. By that time, there had been so many Directors float through the office, I knew not to bring much more than a pen and a phone

The books, at the core, are about describing food.

They say he carved it from an even bigger crossbow.

That's your Legacy, Buffalo, NY… a bar-snack born from spite. Oh and a President got shot there.

Yeah, but there's an awesome music scene going on.

It's a spaghetti-at-the-wall approach, 'Turning Raccoons Bilingual' really stuck for me though.

Isn't that the thing though? Hucksterism? Every time time someone gets wildly popular by making people afraid, there's a dubious product for sale.

Sort of… IW got a 'day pass' a couple of times… they don't have a reporter permanently in the press-pool.