Orson Hyde

Well, yeah… good point. Fs are special around here.

IV got to see Atomic Blonde like a normal person with taste… I imagine the two of them going to the theater together and having a tearful goodbye as they part ways.

I am now very curious what kept this from being a D- and F?

Classic Sandy!

Leatherheads is enjoyable and low-stakes.

Ok… yeah, it's not as easy as I made it sound… you have to contact your senators office and make a request.

The bar I like to hang out at is a mixed bag when it come to the music playing, whenever I hear that opening riff, I tense up.

Hey, it's like No Mutants Allowed… except for The Simpsons!

I recently learned that you can buy flags that were flown over the capitol building in DC. Due to the high demand a team of people run the flags up three or four poles on the roof, and fly them for 10-40 seconds…
I'm kind of 'done' with this country.

As many progressive groups have learned over the years… registrations don't translate to votes-cast… especially in smaller, local, and off-year elections.

"They just feed you a bunch of bullshit about it"…
Yeah, what do those crooked politicians REALLY mean when they say 'Support my campaign by buying this shirt/mug/poster etc'
They're so shifty!

"The night is dark and full of eclairs"

It's the 'stache…. chicks dig the 'stache.

Book backstory: At a tournament, Jorah won the heart of a lady, I think she was from somewhere around Highgarden. Anyway, it was rushed young love, she didn't like Bear Island, and he kept buying singers and stuff for her until he ran out of money and turned to slavery.



Hah! I used that movie for jerk off material!

Get off my lawn.

Is it though?

Like, it's good that cyberpunk movie had some decent source material to riff on, otherwise it would be a total mess.