Orson Hyde

'All the 'A's go to my name!'

That's what I've been doing since 2007! For everything.

You're off my playlist now.

Yeah, Shell was so weak. I was quite jazzed for it too, paid for it in theaters and everything… le sigh

I'm not reading this review until I see this movie.

I think we'd get along.

She's So Lovely is worth a gander too.

Is he going to have his goons throw Thomas Jane in an airlock?

It'll light up smokes for Dad and be a guest at little Suzy's tea-party.

As long as chucklehe@d is safe.

Bush2 : 'Heh, gitaload of this dope'
Trump : 'Holy shit! That's the dope in charge? What? Dija just give up?'

It shims, shines, waxes, and shellackses. Order yours today!

McCain pulled his usual shit again.


When Velcro was Velcro damn it!

[[Portugal Update]]

Looks like the Plot Teleporters are fully charged.

What's really weird is seeing his shoulders.


How come bland movies don't launch franchises…. it's weird.