Orson Hyde

Ho Ho! You are sir. You are indeed.

It's a very unfortunate choice of wardrobe.

Comic movies… they still make those?

Something something Bartertown… I'm not on my A-game today.

Bungie's writing style is just too big of a hurdle…

I got my beard stuck in my sunglasses.

Oh… so that's where the billions of dollars went in Iraq… and why there isn't a functioning government in Afghanistan… Well, I for one am glad we've nipped this in the bud.

Did she lick her lips afterwords?

You need chemicals… and force of will; to get a medical professional (or amateur) to administer them.

I still don't get it.

Hey. HEY! It can work with a Moth too.

Yes. Wait? What do you mean 'now'? That's how I've always measured time.

Addendum: Does it?

Velcro does not have a 'male' side and 'female' side.

Egh… reading that made me queasy.

Public Service is a foreign concept to that guy.

He got a thrill from it, so I hear.

You made me draw a family tree.


He's going to fit in fine. Spices would have said something verifiable… can't have that sort of shenanigans from a director of communications.