Orson Hyde

Navy totally got a recruitment boost from Top Gun.

Your glasses must be made of delicious licorice.

I feel the same way about 'Leviathan' with Peter Weller.

Their primary concern at the strategy meeting was PR optics? Whose planning this chuckleheaded war? Fucking Rumsfeld?


That's on the trolley.

Dragonstone and Kingslanding are pretty close… Seems kind of silly to take the fleet all the way around the continent to Sunspear and back. Why not use Yara's fleet and the Dragons to keep Euron bottled up in Blackwater Bay (where we see him in Ep1) While the Martells take the Roseroad and the Dornish get on the

Now I'll be mad if that doesn't happen.

Staring into the distance? What do you think this is? Walking Dead??

What happened in Civil War? A bad guy captures a good guy and turns him bad as part of his plan the the whole time? Something like that? I guess that's progress.

The movie. I'm pretty neutral on the other two.

Oh yeah, what with winter here, I'm sure the roads from Winterfell to White Harbor are in great shape… Ramsey and Roose were big on infrastructure maintenance when they were running the North.

I sure hope a bad guy gets captured, and that it's part of his plan the whole time.

What did he do? Was he the riverboat Captain that was supposed to help spirit Myrcella into… wherever they were going to take her?

Oh most definitely… at this point it's easier to make a list of people she hasn't killed. Hey? Umm did the faith militant become a bunch of shrinking violets? They, uh, didn't have anything to say about that whole Sept thing? No one? Ok… Carry on then.

Some of Sheen's finest work.

Why should he seek something as small as allegiance? He seems to have the best equipped navy. He and his fleet can reave and pillage up and down the West Coast with impunity. Heck he could have raided Lannisport if he wanted to, and forced some concession out of her. The only throne he seems to care about is the

Sure… Cersi is mad with power (have you tried to go mad without it?)… She would get down with that… Dorne is sort of small potatoes in the scheme of things… That doesn't seem like THE Gift that would get her to marry him (that's— that's his goal right?)

Sigh… not anymore…

Also… It's late May/early June… seems a bit late in in spring to be wearing all those matching thick ass wool coats.