Orson Hyde

Oh good. 'Holes'!

Oh snap!

Exactly… was Yara the prize he was promising Cersi? Was Ellaria? Did he have anything particular in mind or was he bluffing. Like these basic questions of goals and motivations and means HAVE answers in the text of the show, but they're thin at best and are often gleaned by using circular logic… I'm ok with being

Yeah… but I don't want to have to piece that together from scraps of clues.

Yeah… wait… How DOES Euron even know WHO Ellaria is, WHY she's important, and WHERE she's going??? Grrr, the more I think about it the more frustrated I get. I hate it when shows do that.

I couldn't agree more.

Eh… he can clue them into a sewer to sneak through and open the gates for the Dothraki. The Unsullied have done the 'old sneak and breach' before (at Yunkai?), and Tyrion was Master of Sewers at the Rock.

What he gave them to work with was a story of a Knight betraying his oath and [umm] Gouty Guy's daughter hatching a scheme to kidnap Lannister Neice. Then the Daughter gets caught by Big Axe Man and is kept in a tower for a while. Gouty Guy comes in at the end and implies that he's got a thing going on with the

Nolan is hardly a paragon of restraint and control. He just doesn't use a lot of CGI.

Still, that jellyfish feeds on superfresh water… so ass or mouth wouldn't really make a difference.

He is very specific about that… for um, some reason?

I had a lot of of fun looking around at the stone faced grumbling and nonplussed confusion of my fellow audience members.

So… Clive Owen was on set for… two days? Ok, real talk… Who was on set the longest? Hawke, Owen, or Riahanna?

Oooo good call.

Maybe Yara's ship is super well insulated… you know, so the rest of the fleet doesn't have to hear all that fuckin'

It wasn't disappointing, just goofy and inorganic.


There's enough going on in the books… that the setting is kindof incidental (yes, I know Long Dark Teatime is about Thor moping around Wales, among other things)

Time and Distance got thrown out the window sometime in Season 5… and oh good lord, I just looked at a map to remember where Dragonstone is in relation to Kings Landing. My Inner Armchair General is screaming right now.

There's not a lot of 'suddenly' with naval encounters. Sure it was foggy, but these are two fairly large fleets coming into contact with each other. Yeah, ok, the show is completely unconcerned with presenting tactics now… I was bothered by this, Euron penetrated to the heart of Yara's formation without anyone