Orson Hyde

TR was irrelevant when his son died in our timeline.

Taft was a piece of shit too (AZ excepted. Taft was a SSBBM that gave America Arizona for Valentine's Day. )

It's a contiguous urban area with El Paso, so… legally, no. Geographically… a lot of yes.

Mexico pays for the wall?

It's going to be 5 years+… don't sweat it.

It's like, the south does shitty horrible things to justify their continued presence in the Union… wait… why did we fight so hard to keep them? Florida? The film subsidies in Georgia? Hey, it's a nice part of the US, I'm just struggling to come up with an answer.

Yeah… it's fun to play with 'what ifs' but, just like with Man in High Castle (and Wolfenstein)… there's just no way those armies could win without 'alternate history magic'… in a way… the fun with these stories isn't:' how would things be different if the bad guys won?'
'What shenanigans did the author come up

Hah. I remember the first time I got a ride from outside Boulder to the illuminati airport. I used to get the Greyhound in and out of Boulder (because I fucking love America). When my friend told me it would be a 90 minute drive, I was incredulous. Also, I wish I knew that when I booked the flight.

Some of them will host…
…wait for it!
a flea market.

There's been a constant "blaming higher" going on the last 30 years.

Damn right it got a theatrical release! Where else was I going to see it opening weekend? The Dog Track? They don't show movies at the Dog Track.

Ahem… they do not. That is better wordplay than "Get ready baby… the SOUTH IS GONNA RISE again"

Each one more identical than the last.

I could sit there and get along with that guy.

That guy was right about everything and did everything that was cool before everyone else did it. He even died 8 years before it was the popular cool thing to do.

Open rebellion to the Crown can really angry up the blood.

If you avoid the flats, then you're missing out!

Someone will say it anyway so… stop whatever the fuck you're doing and watch The Wire.

I like the way you think!

How am I just hearing about this now?!
*checks IMDB*
Heeeey… there's no direct to video sequel to Dumb and Dumber. Sad.