Orson Hyde

Yeah, it's certainly a weird oversight for a story and setting that (in earlier seasons) was pretty sharp about strategy and geography. Like a quick…

Is there an "Arry and the 'Ound" supercut of the adventures of The Hound and Arya from season 3 and 4? I'd really like to watch that if there is.

Get some double-stick tape on them fancy pots next time.

I was born of debauchery… you merely adapted to it.

What a bunch of scamps…

Ish… There is a bit much on the 'Character shows up and does stuff' rhythms… That's been a problem since season 2 really (Robb's offscreen war is a good example.)

I like to think there was a bit of a power play going on between The Waif and Jaquen… both of them are much older than they appear so, the Waif was hardcore about the 'old ways' and thought the ways of the faceless required a total abandonment of self… Jaquen was a little looser than that and recognized in Arya a

I meant 'cake'… it tastes good.

I would watch that… so much!

Scott's grasp on quality is… tenuous… Sometimes you get Prometheus, sometimes you get Alien, occasionally you get some bizarre in-between like The Counselor.

The reason for that is: Deckard is not a replicant… any interpretations of the film to the contrary are dumb. I hope Villneuve had the clout and the balls to shut that shit down.

That's a good joke. Keep it up.

"I hate the Sand Snakes… their coarse, and rough… and they get everywhere."

The Bastille was HIGHLY symbolic… like… just about empty due to penal reforms (not all of them progressive)…

I prefer my version, where she's caught by an uptight cook and forced to properly process the bodies… 'Life of Brian' style.

He's plotting to kill Mance… he's uh… a bit 'out of the loop'. (ROME REFERENCE!)

That dude is, just, seriously shredded by now.

Killing them was probably easy… like shes a trained assassin… come on though… she did a really shitty job of butchering them, there was a whole damn finger in that pie! I'd wager the pie shell was pre-made too and I can't imagine she did a good job of balancing the seasonings in the filling… probably just dumped in a

Oh hey… that makes sense.

He should inform her, whether or not, she is 'tearing [him] apart'.