Orson Hyde

Oh yeah… despite years of getting my filthy unwashed eyes all over your fancy pants 'experts' columns… This marks the first time that I have now read all of the ASOIF Books! I'm just 2 seasons late, chuckleheads!

Yeah, were those on the boat? Did they fitted for those before they left? Same with the queens guard outfits and armor… like? Don't you have something better to do?

The Pannisters (fuck it)… have been busy lately, and I was going to blame Varys… but, no he's been out of town… the tense relationship between Lion and Rose would have kept either of them moving to occupy it… there's a few reasons… but yeah, it's not a good move for team West.

I'd have to see new-Euron do anything besides stand around. He's such a scamp that one, he won't be back until ep 4.

Looks like that was Steinman.

That's a start

It's… yeah… I've got a crazy life, and it's the ole' "Is this how I want it, or is this what as an excuse because I can't live normal'… and yowza I got super slutty since I got back to Indiana at the beginning of July… I gave up on finding a 'perfect partner' because I already did, and mucked it up, so… like… why

That can only be good. Man, fuck Sherlock so hard.

Hey, thanks for getting out there. Sure, like… it's what your job is, and I don't live where you work, but thanks. Speaking of natural disasters, I had a weird revelation while talking to my bartender. In 2015 I did Paradise by the Dasboard Light at kareoke at a bar in North Carolina. I fucking crushed it. Crushed.

It's a fondly remembered classic. The sad part is that the guy that played Jethro wasn't able to open a Hillbillies themed casino in Reno… I would retire at such a place. By retire I mean drink myself to death.

Thanks for the heads-up… in fairness American cop dramas aren't my 'jam' either.

All right… Luther was good at first… like… Sherlock really soured the whole thing for me.

My friends and I specifically started playing because it got such a low rating. It was a garbage game with super basic mechanics and a cheap looking layout.

Is Broadchurch good? I really hate British cop dramas… so… does it do anything to elevate the material?

This has little overlap with scorned collectible card game from the late 90s

I would say it's great.

I will see The Electric 6 at any time.

That's a great movie that I like.

Hmmm… I have complicated feelings about flash games. The websites that hosted them supported a community, there was a level of developer accessibility that other types of games didn't have… but… their enduring contribution to gaming is microtransactions and, like a lot of stuff pre-83, most are junk.

I say that about a great many things.