Orson Hyde

The Academy should include him in the memorial segment and there should be a category for 'Best Stuntwork'

Tits and dragons?

Ok he fucked over Wiebe but he's still an upright patriot

Shit… it was right there in the pilot: the park corrupts people and is bad. We don't learn anything new by seeing a neophyte turn into an asshole.

Hey! Billy Mitchell is a hero!

I love everything about all of this. Really I feel like The Grinch at the end of his arc.

Man… I really like that railway.

Yes you did… but make some time for Ash vs The Evil Dead if you can

I guessed that and I've never seen it.
'The Village is pretty good, I liked it.'
'What's the deal with that movie, is it, like, the Village is in the present time?'
'Oh so you did see it?'

I thought the William/MiB speculation was excessive. Why would they undercut the world building of the show with alternate timelines that are pointless to the story?

Simpson and Harris being the same guy added nothing… NOTHING!!! to the narrative. I hate it so much.

It is 100% true.

And a dash of Barbera.

What's with all these assholes that aren't Timothy Spall playing Churchill?

Robin Wright is awesome and I love her. Mary Elizabeth Winsted or Aubrey Plaza should have been nominated this year.
Seriously though… between Princess Bride and The Congress… lifetime pass.

Wishful Drinking got nominated to atone for the Star Wars Christmas Special getting snubbed.

No wonder Nolan and Joy were so tight fisted with the script. (Because it was terrible).

Shit! That is NOT how far you want to fall onto one of those.

Awww man… every Westworld nomination should have been for The Leftovers.

I'm busy,but not too busy to say: the Westworld swerve was dumb and it made the show dumb