Orson Hyde

Come-a-long, nothing to see here.

Another media hatchet job.

Apparently Clown Lives Matter…

Yeah, this has Southern Ohio written all over it.

On a scale of Alec Baldwin to Robin Williams, what are we talking about here? A Selleck?

A good way to stay relaxed and confident on the first date is to pull a gun from your purse and empty the clip into the ceiling while shouting "I'LL GET YOU MENDOZAAAA!!!"

Hey-o… Dogfishead tasting downtown on Friday!

Fuck this protein bar, that shit ain't lunch! It's raining so I cant walk and get real lunch, fuck rain too.

I left some stuff in Phoenix… Do. Not. Touch. It!

Hah, that's sort of how the conversation started…
"I'm in Geology"
"Oh, do you get into the field much?"
"Not really, I do lunar geology…"

Oh… apologies to the fine citizens of Halifax all good people, every last one of them… not like those butt sniffers in… um… Labrador?

This is fantastic news for me!

Hey well, I took a smoke break, and had a fun chat with a guy about lunar geology. Updated my tindr profile (ladies…) and the coffee shakes are wearing off. Even though it's raining, today ain't so bad… this funk is probably related to exhausting the Hardcore History archive.

I've started tindr more for career networking or pretending to be a spy trying to honeypot ladies based on their job…

I'm 3? years out from a 3 year relationship… No awful encounters, a few hookups but mostly, I keep way too much to myself. Part of it is situational… but, you know what? I shouldn't give any advice, there's some serious issues rattling around under the hood here.

Sounds like a crazy time… Switzerland sounds nice though… better there than a lady trying to get you to drop everything and move to Halifax… or Alaska… or… I don't know, what's another shitty place? Guam? Is Guam shitty? Who's from Guam here?

I'm back at work in a giant room all by myself, with random pandora music and the weird sounds of the building and my stomach… just on one side of 'too much coffee'… I'm also staying on campus like a fucking chump, but I'll be damned if I sign a lease for a place here when I'm not here 6 month a year. I forgot how

I think it's the ole 'open relationship? oh so you'll bang everybody, right?' mindset.

So I hear.

It's not a fetish for me, but I could get down with that.