Orson Hyde

"Some say this rusted fishing boat took Hitler's sperm samples to top doctors in Argentina. Others say it's keel was laid in 1968 and couldn't make a transatlantic voyage…"

"What's up with that boat over there?"
"Oh, people take it places sometimes"

I'd watch a show about people looking at boats.

Mostly republican Secretaries of State had shrunk 'in-person' polling sites since 2010, to save on cash and to encourage Mail in Voting. According to assholes though it was all part of the Clinton Conspiracy… whatever.

The odds are ever in my favor of that. That's an Apes thing right?

No mention of the hit Broadway musical 'Stop the Planet of The Apes, I want to Get Off!'

Even the "damning" Podesta emails were… just wildly puffed… setting aside the stupid stuff that morons decided to read into that info dump, the rest of it was:
-"Hey that guy you used to know at the [newspaper], we could give him campaign access for a week."


In similar news… Paramount optioned Jeff Vandermeer's new book 'Borne'… the Annihilation movie is coming out sometime in 2018…

Yep… I'm an idiot… pretend I was talking about Nightflyers then…

I can't see his EP role as much more than… "Yeah, I read that book, it would make a great show… here's some stuff to cut and here's some stuff to keep" A cool sounding show gets that Sweet Martin Pedigree, so now Syfy can sell it as "From the EP of Game of Thrones" to chuckleheads… This looks cool and it's nice to see

No matter what, some of that shit at the fancy restaurant is coming off the damn Sysco.

Is 7 people a community?

You know what show did that better? Cleopatra 2525, it had the good sense to be set in the year 2525, at least.

Yeah… well that's what happens when you leave the mother church.

Yes, because this is a purple prose narrative that is distilled from decades of predictions and observations of extremes. This is not science, but it makes for a crackerjack read and has a few pull quotes.

Jack Reacher was pretty good, but they cheaped out on the sequel. He's not, like, tentpole material but he can still rock a quality action movie. No one wanted a damn mummy movie or gave a fuck about it…

If he got there a little sooner, he'd have an easier time keeping warm. It's funny that Russia has a reputation for being impenetrable… I guess it's moot now, 20th century ideas of military conquest are irrelevant now. In fact, dumping a ton of resources into conventional forces is a great way to go bankrupt and end

I prefer my morbid musings plastered on old Tiger Beat spreads.

When Naps got to Moscow… it really wasn't worth holding on to.