Orson Hyde

There there, let me buy you a beer.

Napoleon isn't a great guy to look up to… he was another one of those guys that promised immense 'greatness', but blew his wad in about 15 years. He also (along with that fucking Bohemian Corporal) managed to fuck up a Russian invasion because he didn't pack warm clothes. Elba's most famous retiree is Jabroni, from

Nope… it's really more about the ins and outs of the gang. It's also a really fucking good movie.

Ish… it was also a fine test platform… it's just, well any lessons learned from the platform weren't integrated into the next generation of orbital vehicles… because, well new vehicles weren't developed.

The Mayflowers (Darwin and Minerva) really kept the the Concordes flying.

Who can argue with that price!

It's a sad day for cinema

Or as some form of armor…
"Your spears are useless, he has Chimp Mail and all his customers and subscribers know it"

So that's how I make people…
"Hello, Petsmart, do you have any chimps? … no… really it's ok, I'm going to torture them to make Man… I'll hold"

How many?! Are they in your yard? Jesus, you monster.

Oh, well… hey… the X man movies are horrible garbage, and it's not CGI's fault.


All the time citizen!

She was in North Carolina, where she did not found an empire worthy of the attentions of EA/BioWare. As yet, there will be no Jade Empire 2.

Oh yeah, he was in Blade… good for him.

Oh they do suck… wait, don't you mean Doral?

It should be stricken from the record.

Are you kidding!!?? Have you been to North Carolina?!

Yeah, M&O looses a lot of shine when you realize it was a bunch of Japanese dudes throwing cats off off a cliff.

Rembrandt didn't have time to put mustaches on everyone he painted. I'm helping.