Orson Hyde

I could look this up, instead, I'll say that it probably wasn't Feynman.

I've had enough of your Vassar bashing.

It's the Bacon that makes you fuck [with ratings forecasts] right.

What is it about dudes talking for a few hours that inspires such partisanship?

I really loved that movie as a kid. Like, really loved it. Learning about the production realities of it was harsh.

Also… tanning won't make you Orange.

Aww fuck, I did get the names wrong.

Hey, Milo isn't a predator. He just said it's ok for an older guy to rape a kid because that kid might be gay anyway, so what's the problem… huh when I say it like that, it sure sounds like a problem.

Sure, but only if Illana Jacobs and Abbi Glazner were there, cheering me on and offering tips.

Is she single?


It better not. Those necks aren't getting red by themselves.

Diamond Joe carries a sheaf of stickers that say 'do not touch'. He puts them on things that anyone can touch. Then he touches those things.

Ok, there's escorts around, Pence probably asked if he could touch it first… they probably said 'ok'… but… just… but why? It's just a module cover. It's just stainless steel with a fancy coating… it's… GRRRRR so maddening…
'Can I touch that?'
'Sure we'll have to clean it later.'
'Why can't people touch that?'

I'd like to upvote you twice.

Indeed, the Croats/Ustashe were more than happy to carry out Nazi dirty work and settle their own books at the same time… as were organizations of other groups, shit… Moscow could barely keep a lid on it after the war. The Balkans have always been a super crazy place. With a long long memory for grudges.

The Catholic Croats were huge dicks in WWII… it's like they realized that between the Nazis and the Reds, there was no win for their people and they just went… extra crazy? Is that the right way to put it?

It's an issue with more depth on both sides.

Oh so now it's the Croat's fault?! Take some responsibilities. Or do Serbian shoes not have bootstraps?

If it's any consolation, the Serbs were perpetrators of a remembered genocide.