Orson Hyde

Aww maaan… I just did.

We are a lot alike Zod, you and I. It's a pity that something as trivial as: age, career, location, personal history, education history, hairstyle, shoe size, or that should drive us apart and make us enemies.

Vonnegut… Essay collections… short story compilations (single author or multiple)… I mean, do what you want, but probably read all the Vonnegut you can to avoid being a terrible person without empathy.

Portugal Update Week 6.5 (is it 6.5? Time and space have lost all meaning…)

I make gunpowder with pee!

Ahem… I am demanding that everyone go out and read Blood Meridian today.

I went to a large used book sale… you know, clearing out the warehouse to make room for more donations… two 5m tables packed with Dan Brown books is a sight to behold.

I like how the dictionary people responded to this.

Because of the Egypt themed casino where she worked… that's the joke.

Shit! Is it?! I've got leftovers.

No reason to. The population density was relatively low and the known world was large and navigable. If you were sailing from Lisbon and said 'let's go West'the crew/boat owners &c would say 'why? There's cloves and nutmeg to pick up in Goa…'

Shit, I guessed Frank Stallone.

I volunteer!


Yeah… um, there's ice zombies in the north and fire dragons in the south. They were bound to meet up eventually.

Hi, guy here, let the record show, I fucking hate everything about Vinyl.

That show was not good.

The cartoon?

I was at an all-male screening of Atlas Shrugged in my room… with scotch.