Orson Hyde

And so I have seen the New Messiah look out upon the New Jerusalem. His name was Officer Roland Taverner. He is my friend. He is a Pimp… and Pimps don't commit suicide.

Yes! Several!

Is it, like, a Vargo Hoat reference on purpose?

I will not sit idle-by whilst you bad mouth Ghosts of Mars!

The themes of truth/fact/interpretation this season are bleeding into the reviews and comments. The other guy did pull the gun and chamber a round.

One of them set off the smoke alarm trying to make toast.

The Drowned World would be a better choice.

I don't think I'll get drawn like those French girls.

I want you to know, there was a lot of weeping writing this week's Portugal Update after I read your post.

Still odd that that needs to be clarified.

I keep wanting to start something like that… it's just, I'm a different flavor of asshole.

Refrigerator? Why are we always sooner or later… bitching in the kitchen and crying in the bedroom all night?

Portugal Update Week 4.5 Part 2

'Hmmm this should be insightful regarding the phisiological changes that can happen with childbirth and lady parts'
*reads response*
'That wasn't very helpful.'

It turns out that talking about sex is a small, oftentimes, inessential part of oral sex.


Extremism, in defense of almost, is no vice!

No almost. No almost! You're an almost!

Ok. If Spicey splits, I'll do it! Sharpen your quills Fourth Estate, I'm going to make it fuckin weird.

One time I cut an avocado in half. I removed the pit with my knife. I bounced the pit from my knife and it landed back in the avocado FROM WHENCE IT CAME!!!