Orson Hyde

That character really 'sat the pie'.

I like that veterinarian. He's a stand up dude.

I bang the Canadian Rita Hayworth all the time.

The guy's name is Oram?… I have some issues with that.

Beat me to it.

That BCN makes you FCK GUD.

I don't consider American Nightmare a sequel… more like an expansion pack.

American Nightmare does nothing to…

That situation.

It's really good.

Eh, there's enough substance to the combat. I didn't get bored with it.

For a concert?

That was Hillary's plan all along?

I'm curious how Pence will do at Notre Dame in a few weeks. Probably uneventful. Still it's fun to know that the President (of ND) 'preemptively disinvited' Trump from speaking at the commencement. He said it was to 'avoid controversy'… but seriously… after asking kids [parents'] to drop a mint on a degree from ND,

At least seaweed won't email.

Portugal Update Week 3.5 Part 2
One of the local program directors killed a rabbit with his car and brought it back to the village restaurant (which he had recently left) to skin and dress. He insisted on cooking it for us the next day.
My colleagues are to gracious to say no.
It was a simple preparation.

It seems more studio hubris than studio meddling.
'We got a big dollar cast and the costumes look great!'
'Ok, what's it about?'
'Why aren't you shooting? We already cut a teaser based on test footage!'

I fight the sky hole because my heart has a sky hole. These waves of CGI monsters remind me, a character, of the impersonal nature of the modern world.

Oh man, you should see the shirts available at some of the truck stops I've been to.

Brunch is just breakfast with booze. Or as I like to call it, breakfast.

I remember when the Canadians conquered us. When the mighty guns of Gerald Bull fell silent, the Avro Arrows flew overhead so thick they blocked the sun… something something… our troops were too sticky with syrup and were no match for horses on roller skates.