Orson Hyde

It's got a nice tone. It isn't paranoid or deranged… just 'Here's some weird stuff I saw/heard/thought about'
'Hmmm, that is weird'

Odd connection.

Until the End of the World is a very good movie.

But… he takes his shirt off when he eats meat! How much more manly can he be?

3x3… Always 3x3, what are you? A savage?

Knight & Day is pretty awesome. It's a lighthearted goofy riff. The 'Stunt Rock' of our generation.

Which Deus Ex?

Chewie has the left console arranged just the way he likes. It took years and he is set in his ways.

Don't steal boxes… even if it is your day off.

The other two books focus on different characters, also, VanDerMeer is a fun guy to follow on Facebook.

Huh, I thought they just did some face swapping onto Walker's brother and or stuntman. I have no idea how much Walker was in can before his unfortunate demise.

Han shot first!

WETA had the easier job.

Isolate the variables. You're supposed to be a scientician!

'What country did you say you were from?'
'… America?'

I bet you say that about all the shells.

The proto creature program is called 'Project Caliban'… there's more than just the one on the ship and despite the attempts to turn the creatures into a viable bioweapon, they have an agenda related to the shenanigans on Venus.

Ahhh I thought he looked familiar.

The season structure feels wonky because they are doing a different thing, and spacing out the narrative climaxes in parts of a season that catches the audience off guard… I like it.

*sobs* YES!