Orson Hyde

They're cheap/thin university press style paperbacks too, so they won't weigh me down too much while traveling.

Huh, that makes sense.

My local fancy liquor store had a, what do you call it? Collectors Edition of that? Anyway it came with a bottle, two pint glasses (maybe one) and a shirt. They didn't have a medium (for me) or an XL (that I could send to a friend) so that's how this pointless story ends.
ETA: It was actually the Iron Maiden beer.

Australian Face Cream Watch: Day 642…
The tube is almost empty and I must soon go to the hippy grocery store to see if I can find a similar product the second ingredient is almond oil and it doesn't have that weird acid that's 99% of most lotions. This is what I need to do to not look like a flaky Cardassian all summer.

'Library used book sale'
Did someone say library used book sale? Because there's a library used book sale going on today, at the library of all places!

That is some shit… I've been meaning to do a personal cybersecurity audit… but, beer and I can barely remember all my passwords as it is.

Well, getting ready for a monster thunderfuck of a 3 month work trip starting Sunday… So… not only will I miss the Chicago meetup (have fun chuckleheads), but any romantic efforts are going way out on the side. Having a partner has never been a big priority but every year, it's becoming less and less of deal. Heck,

Shit, you better start planning!

I would not accept that AT ALL! Take better care of your hatchets for god's sake.

(Shhh I actually don't know. Lot's of people say that Train to Busan is a really good movie, but the one time I sat down to watch it, I got 20 minutes in, figured out I wasn't in the mood to watch a movie, so walked around town and got drunk later. I haven't loaded up a copy since.)

Would you be comfortable telling a Coal Miner that his tax dollars were being used to fund a Bear Voyeurism program? I would.

Dude, seriously, get the airfare to Busan. I've heard that bad shit can go down on the train from Seoul to Busan.

I have a Rachel Weiss fetish.

Just use normal courage. If you use Dutch Courage you could end up establishing a trade route to the Spice Islands.

It's really important for field agents to keep their cover and not compromise their assets, but I'm sure you'll find out as soon as there's enough evidence to make a case and witnesses willing to testify. Or… wait, was it one of the other things?

Veritably TEEMING with foul Irish of all tribes.

Hmmm, a fortnight is a while and you have stumbled into a quandary most vexing, most vexing indeed… However, I suggest dropping the matter. Don't try to police her carnal use of domestic infrastructure. Don't make inquiries or cast about for alternative spigots with which to replace your perceived rival. No doubt you

As a guy that smokes cigarettes, I don't understand the 'smoking fetish'. Smoking in bed (even indoors) is wildly irresponsible, and, jesus… I'll stop now before this turns into some kink-shaming Temperance League style harangue.

If the guy says, 'I've read your column for 10 years, How do I make better sex that I want?'… I wouldn't put my A-game in there either.

Is this the 'Washington Legalization Effect'? Or is he too busy getting his immigration to Canada paperwork filed?