Orson Hyde

Charging for carry-on is especially egregious.

I had a long walk through the gates at Lisbon airport. The planes got real shitty looking, beat up, and tiny as I got to the US carrier section.

If the Gordon Biersch in the Atlanta airport gets rid of the smoking section, I'm out. That is the only mild perk to Delta's constant fuckups.

The Marines control the means of destruction. Also, seriously fuck anyone monkeying around with bioweapons… I don't care how loyal to an organization I am, that's crossing a line.

Oh sure, I bet the only reason this article got written was because the author had TIME to write it! I'M ON TO YOU VISHNEVETSKY!!!

You want to derail things to talk about Hard to be a God? I'm down. That movie is amazing.

Yet for some reason, people don't show love for that David Mamet movie called 'Spartan'… which is basically that, except with Val Kilmer.

Why not both?!

Hmm, that does make sense. I guess the only place with a worse climate is England, as soon as those chumps got big enough boats the plan became 'Make somewhere else England'.

See, politicians establish laws and borders. Breaking Bad had much of its story concerned with breaking some laws and disregarding those borders. Better Call Saul is about where the line between practicing law (lawyers) and lying to people to gain their confidence and steal from them (con-men), blurs. A lot of people

Eh, it's alright.

I eat garbage pizza from a local chain. Maybe it's a chain, maybe there's a few similarly named pizza joints around here.

Next time you go there, bring a comically oversized magnifying glass.

Get your shit together Chicago. The answer is 'thin crust' and 'wedges not squares'. Stop getting bogged down in petty shit that got decided ages ago. We're trying to have a fucking society here.

I'm not sure if you know how politics or undertones work.

I will bet one million dollars that it's not Jesse.

Ah so, that is just the sort of subversion that these shows like to toy with.

So, what did they do in 2? Take on the whole world, again. With a similar technological arrogance. It's like, Germany, buddy… maybe this just isn't your thing.

Ahhh the old 'tape is cued up to the most incriminating and relevant part' cliche. It's a classic.

Ooo, just when I thought it couldn't get sleazier.