Orson Hyde

Going birther is about as shitty as going flat-earth.

There's a part of me that wants to see Hitler as a failed art student… but then there's, you know, the rest of his jam.

Let me know how it goes.

Like. Maybe a handful of high level SS dudes were into it, but the reich, for all it's faults, didn't dump much resources into it. Like, it would be great if they did, it would have taken resources away from some of their other endeavors. You know… the sh@tty ones.

I was so disappointed when I found out the 'Nazi search for the holy grail' was largely based on a spurious book written in the 50s. Sure they tried to make Leader Worship a secular religion, but it didn't really catch on.

Reverse those parameters.

I just finished the Hardcore History about WWI. Between that, and what I know about how the Germans prosecuted WWII… I'm starting to think the myth that Germanic peoples are racially predisposed to victory is a tad overhyped.

He's georbles-ing up the publicity.

It's a fine movie. It would have been better with a title like 'What if Harry Callahan Was An Exorcist?'

The occult shit was limited to a few weirdos. Sadly.

It's a wonderful movie!

And it's a pretty good movie.

Is this a victory? If the hardcore neo-nazis, wait, 'racial realists'? If they're bogged down on the LeBoef Front isn't that a good thing. Like, maybe a lady can make a video game in peace or a comedian can say racism is bad and not have to deal with a digital hate-flood.

It can get warm in the library.

I'd really like to think I could hack it there. Maybe the pirate city in The Scar could make use of me.

Does he talk about the city in Ballard's 'The Drowned World'?

Her brother(?) is the burly truck driver in 'Super Troopers'.

Good for Colson Whitehead. He wrote a zombie thing called Zone One. It's almost as good as WWZ, and probably miles ahead of many other books in the genre.

Taking the official investigation with a grain of salt is fine. After all, it's an investigation into people that fucked up so hard that it shifts the goal posts for failure (especially considering the amount of people and money involved in preventing such things). If you're being investigated for that much of a fuck

The worst is when you're in some idle bar chat with a dude and you bring up flat-earth to dismiss it, then see their shoulders tense and they say 'Well, hey now…'