Orson Hyde

When? When indeed?

The #candyassgate coverage last year was submitted for a Pulitzer.

God damn IT! Fucking Lannisters! I was five minutes out. Son of a bitch!

It would be nice if they could get along but 'dynamic tension' between these two is way too plausible. Humility isn't in Vin's wheelhouse, whereas Johnson can (justifiably) say he helped give a bump to an old franchise that staggered back from obscurity. So… yeah, they beefin.

Your story checks out.

Yeah, I'm going to start taking lunch walks for the next few weeks now that the weather is nice.


Anditgot THE BIGGEST ballsyouve'everseeeeeen! IN! SPORTS! ENTERTAINMENT! Youbetterbelieveitbrutherr.

That cough sounds serious… maybe your old place really was unsuitable.

I had a fun game with people where we'd set a Victor trap and throw it back and forth… ahhh the bitter kiss of Hooks constant unleashing its potential energy on my finger joints… it hurt, but it was a clean pain… pure, like childbirth.

Rogue Yellow Snow was on special last weekend. It's pretty good, I get a hankering for that bold Northwest style sometimes.

Also… Planescape: Torment is getting a remaster. (Looks at GOG Galaxy shell and sees 'Time Played: 3 Hours' 'Last Played: 14 months ago'… Feels sad)

The owner at my local bar keeps promising 'Retro Game Sundays' and says he's been out N64 shopping… If he doesn't have his shit together this Sunday, I'll put the boots to him.

'The Haves and Have Nots' is pretty fun too, in a grim 'everything is shit in this world of shit' way.

It's a Simpsons thing, aaaand a 'Last Tango in Paris' thing! It works on so many levels.

'Tim' is bias. FAKE NEWS. Sad.

I'm pretty sure Daily Mail is a parody rendering of a newspaper.

Right… complete brain fart… I know smelt more for their delicious roe than as a whole fish, so I was overthinking about, if the roe is mixed into a batter and fried, or… etc etc… got it. You can eat the whole fish too.

Have fun chuckleheads!

The case dies on the vine.