Orson Hyde

Those characters were from outer space, so it's fine.

The downer ending, the embrace of the lack of faith in perception, the laconic pacing and dialog. Just fantastic.

'Lucy' was total schlock, her bits at the beginning were great.

The Japanese certainly might. (They uh don't have a very good history.)

If I had binoculars to see other timelines, I'd peek at the one where a Korean actress was cast in the role.

Eh it's firmer ground than Mickey Rooney.

Let's compare notes next week!

Don't lose focus. The real weak link in the casting is Michael Pitt.

How great is 'Innocence'?

If she's playing a robot, then the character is Japanese by default. Oh come on, you know I'm right! You think they're making robots in Cleaveland? Or Troy?

Johannsen can elevate schlock pretty well. The problem with Snow vs White: Huntsman of Justice, was that not enough of the cast and crew knew it was schlock. So…

Uhhhh that guy in Sukiyaki Western Django… ummm what's his name… oh! Quentin Tarantino.

I boycott Turkish Spiderman. They didn't cast an ethnic New Yorker.

And… just so many sheep. Well, the movie didn't kill the sheep. The bomb tests across the border did that. Still, heard deaths and stillbirths [in sheep] were being investigated by the AEC about a year before the production came to St George.

There was a specific intent with Cloud Atlas.

It was the pope hat she deserved, not the pope hat she needed.

Wait… I'm still not sure why it's up to Trump to negotiate with Freedom Caucus or some other douchebags. His office didn't write the legislation… The executive can't change legislation, right? Can the executive still do 'Line Item Vetos', or is that just for budgets?

Rita was always hot in the show… I think the actress is dead now.

Wouldn't that be second cousin?

I like games that are finitely entertaining with various satisfying endings dictated by player choice, Or one satisfying ending with a lot of different ways to get there. I just don't understand the 'xeno paradox' of playing sections over and over to get marginally better stuff, so you can play at a higher difficulty,