Orson Hyde

Whenever I pass by the local rock quarry I long for the goofy sight of rubber-suited Japanese stuntmen prancing around.
Side Pot 1: Glad that IV wrote this.
Side Pot 2: I did not know that Haim Saban was supreme overlord of all that.

We know he's the bad guy because he said "Hey look everyone! It's Firgin D'an. He thinks he's got the hottest Jizz in town. Well guess what chump. This Jizz contest is for Jizz groups. You can't Jizz here by yourself. Get on out of here. Don't come back unless you find a group to Jizz with. You won't be back, no one

Eh… It would be sillier if the last line was 'Let's lay low on Tattooine Chewie."

R1 has a lot of flaws, but it is just so god damn gorgeous… I love how they winked at Lucas' [bizarre] use of wipe transitions by having stuff move from shadow to light… God damn. I felt like a mom watching a Merchant/Ivory thing with her kids when I saw it with my friends.
"We're bored. Who are these people."
"Shut the

Age 18-24? Stop smuggling on my lawn!

*takes Obsidian's dick out of my mouth*
Why play a Neverwinter that isn't 'Nights 2'?

See, that's my huge beef with this game. If you don't like it and and can't find a group, you burn out on it and give up. If you do like it and have a group, you still burn out and give up. What's the fucking point?

"But, you can easily do the same thing you've done for 500 more hours and still be just as disappointed!"

Get ready to spend another 300 hours grinding pointless bullshit.

He dies wet?

Huh… yeah, that is weird.

Hey, this piece of popcorn tastes like a tiny microphone! Oh, Deep-State Goblin, you rascal.

The Pope has a lot of great hats… and that's the one you choose to steal? Damn, kids are morons.

Bek Ckett.

Martian Marines also poop at 1g.

That's how things go on research vessels. The captain and crew are there to make sure the ship and equipment on board can get where the science team needs to go. They're not openly dismissive, more concerned with keeping things running, than the science.

There was another 'piece-setting' episode last season. It gave us 'Donkey Balls'. Just because you need to shuffle some characters around, doesn't mean it can't be entertaining.

"Dear Penthouse,
I never thought this would happen to me…"

I can't wait for the prequel called 'Most of the Stuff'.

You can 'mop the floor with them', and that is an uncomfortable escalation.