Nice to see another FD saved but dang I still hate body kits like that on these cars.
Nice to see another FD saved but dang I still hate body kits like that on these cars.
Anger. Anger and the satisfaction that that drunk SOB went to prison for a good while.
Cripes what a tire fire.
Criminy I don’t like any of the suggestions...
Yes and they continue to piss off Sean Schemmel, which is a bonus.
Lets see, last time I sold a car on C-list it was my sister’s ‘98 Grand Prix GT. The car ran and drove fine but she was ready to move onto something else. We figured we might as well shoot higher for the car and come down on the price a bit so $1500 was the set price. I have never gotten such an odd mix of responses…
I’ve known about this a couple weeks now. I’m disappointed they aren’t going to perform closer in say KC but now I’m considering a pilgrimage to either St. Louis, Boulder or even better, Minneapolis.
...and then the Sony conference happened.
Sabat and Ayres are both excellent guys. Have seen them both at multiple cons. It’s too bad that Sean Schemmel is a jackass though. He’s the one VA I’ve seen in person have a public meltdown.
Yeah it’s the plot of one of the Unico movies. The Fantastic Adventures of Unico I think. Sanrio designed movies about a unicorn that were oddly disturbing and very dark at times. Island of magic is very messed up.
No, not at all. Still an ugly POS of a car though.
Sorry I forgot that the picture said ‘87/’88. The Merkur community has passed this picture around forever as the proposed 1990 XR4Ti if they had continued production. Interestingly enough, the cylinder head was a Roush product that never made it past prototype. Supposedly there is one out there in the wild.
The first year of proposed/rumored production would have been 1990. That sounds like the ‘90s to me. It is debateable now if the XR4Ti could be considered a sport compact car. I don’t know, its an opinion. I didn’t know we were containing this conspiracy theory to only sub 20K cars. I’m just fairly confident this…
Oh yes...there is “that” Manhattan on the NE.
Dang it Tracy yer taking 36 across Kansas again aren’t you? I keep waiting on the year you dip down towards Manhattan.
Waits for the reports of angry KU fans calling 911 over only being the #3 overall seed.
But was the cat alright?
Hard disagree.
Having been born, raised and LIVING IN a small town in Kansas right now I’m surprised he wasn’t arrested and this all over the freakin news.