
I dunno - if Chet/Chester is staying clean and sober and is trying to get his shit together, I don’t see a reason to continue to tear him down. Seems like he’s been a selfish douche addict for a while, which I’m sure has been a major strain on the family. Now he’s trying to be a better person - let him have that. When

But why now? Why This Sperm?

I’ve said this through the entire election. Democrats/liberals insist on fighting by Marquis of Queensbury rules against an opponent who is eye gouging, kicking us in the nuts, and using brass knux. I don’t care if she’d have been called a “bitch” for it, Hillary should have demolished him in the debates the first

I make it my mission to make sure I insult a Trump or Stein voter at least once a day. I make no apologies for it and shall continue with my mission. I feel fucking fantastic about it too!

They keep bringing Q tips to a saber fight.

“Jones’s vision of love suggests blindness, endless patience and a great deal of emotional labor on the part of people who are already exhausted. It puts the onus on us to prove we are worthy of compassion and justice.”

It used to be if you walked down the street that if you saw a fascist, you could just start beating there ass. I don’t know why we stopped this practice.

Just because someone has good taste in things doesn’t mean they have good ideas.

That’s scary. I was watching a “panel” on CNN last night and Richard Quest, you may know him of the disappearing plane phenom, made such a good point. He was arguing with Jeffrey Fucking Lord about major news networks covering the white supremacists speaking at Texas A&M. Lord’s argument was that CNN and others should

we’ve traced the lawsuit, its coming from inside your pants - get out of your pants!

*Great news would be that Hermione Granger use her time turner necklace to take us back to November 9, and then use a “wakethefuckupamora” spell and people vote using their brains and logic. And that the Dementors show up and take Trump to Azkaban.

Since these rich white parents are so concerned about discrimination, maybe they could home-school their kids at one of those bakeries that refuses to cater gay weddings.

The only one that matters.

I love that one! What a good Crash.

Every time I here about that movie I wonder if it’s this one or the James Spader car accident porn one. It’s never the James Spader.

What hockey games did these events take place after?

Uh if the PSU alumni and fan base would, for the most part, acknowledged that Joe Paterno was a horrible human being and stop denying he was innocent and what he was a part of should never be excused just because he was good at winning football games, I might be inclined to agree with you.


Fuck all of this. Fuck everything. Idris Elba should be every Santa, everywhere.