
Prepaid Visa. It is like a giftcard you can use anywhere. That is all I asked for this year when people asked.

Hmmmm, just another medical advancement we will not see in the next 20 years. I'm sure this will inspire a few new drugs for us to HAVE to purchase at ridiculous prices though.

@BrendCh06: Thing is that I dont have a Nielson box sitting in my living room, so where ever I watch it, it does not count. At least on a torrent site, there is a running count of downloads. They are putting good shows into graveyard slots to be killed. Really, SGU, 9pm Tuesday night, and a split season?

BSG bowed out before getting the axe, SGA got insulted then axed, Caprica got axed, SGU got axed.

@BoxOfScraps: You could get live HD video by Neil Armstrong Jr on the Apollo sites, and conspiracy theorists will think it is fake. You put them on the moon, they kick it, then say it was just placed there for them to see.

Japanese to english so I can read all those nice doujin :D

@Xazi2003: Starting to? I havent been in a car WITH a cassette player in years.

Trick is first to survive the flash and blast itself. A inner concrete wall, preferably in the basement facing the blast. Cover yourself in a pile of clothes, it helps absorb the radiation.

I used to live just behind my work, and when I moved it, it took the cable guy a week to come, so I set up a router as a repeater and got internet from there for most of the week.

Ohhhh gawd, this is just awkward to watch.

@bayXSonic: Yeah, recently (loving the free trial btw).

@bayXSonic: Wow, I guess I am on a US internet too. Sorry, my bad for living 70km too far from an imaginary line on a map.

@Winston Smith: I remember hearing about some actor being scanned for future use. Sadly, I think it was Arnold.

Does this have the same limitation as Google Voice, as in available to everyone, as long as the entire planet is the US? It seems I am no one.

@Winston Smith: Ohhhhh yeah! Dump the Nu Trek guys and get the real actors back. At the end of the Nu Trek movie where Pine tries to say 'Bones' to McCoy like Shatner says it, I wanted to puke. I liked the new movie, but leave Shatners style alone.

@m4ximusprim3: well, that is where it will eventually end up.

Is Johnny Depp going to be in 5 & 6? I read a while back that he would do 4, but 5-6 might have been a no-go do to some contract boo-boo tied to a friend.

What? Light effects us in different ways? WOW, what a obvious discovery.