
They could also physically remove or alter the pokestops being used and legimately tell nantic that said loction does not exist. It is an ar game so eventually they will have to update locations that cease to exist in reality.

You probably would have to jam wifi and gps to assure no data or location could be used for pokemon go the problem is that such broad jamming is extremely disruptive and could cause deadly safety issues with cell/gps/wifi being jammed in a wide area.

I believe that is illegal and depending on net nutrality laws banning services based on you location within the same city could led to poor/troubled areas having less internet access because of “abuse” of various online services would lead to a locally segmented internet which would be bad news.

Wow your conflating hard science with religion your brain needs to be checked.

Nothing in the univserse dictates all answers and basic laws must be “elegant”. Occams razor may not always be the solution but if your asking why no aliens it is quite simply that space is big so they are all too far away. A contridiction is that simple occams solutions often are elegant yet you claim it is not.

The far shorter answer is space is big so big that we cant wrap out heads around how big it is and even with life out there we will never see, visit, be visited because space is big.