It is gloriously apropos that a movie featuring Illyana Rasputin has been stuck in Limbo for years.
I applaud the AV Club stance on this!
Mitt Romney will add that this is “probably not what I would have done in the same situation.”
Oh, hey, good news everyone, it turns out there might actually be a black hole in our solar system, so none of this will matter.
Trump really needs to be careful though because the some in the GOP will only be quiet for so long.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity
“the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos knows why that hole was there, but they’re refusing to tell NASA. For no good reason, as far as I can tell.”
Everytime I hear somebody say that I indicate that wearing neon pink jumpsuits with strobe lights on them would save lives too
No, it has an AC charger that rectifies AC to the DC battery bus. There is no such thing as AC batteries. It can’t do direct DC charging to the battery bus (as configured from factory)
Loud pipes save lives is bullshit. The reality is loud pipes make you an asshole. You’re an asshole to quiet neighborhoods, to quiet country living, to others in traffic, loud pipes simply make you an asshole, it won’t save your life, or others.
I hope he hasn’t been allowed to continue being a resident assistant in a dorm. After allegedly attempting to assault her, he later entered her room uninvited and stood inside the doorway while she yelled at him to leave.
Yeah, this is one of those situations where a lot of us who say we want reform in the bail system have to give ourselves a gut check. This is what happens if you have a system that basically relies on those two questions—whether someone is a danger and whether they’re a flight risk—when determining bail. I can’t say…
Nice alt account champ
Dismiss “pete”, it’s just a whiny troll.
It is sour crude. So it is not nearly as worth as much as people think. It must be refined more than lighter crude. The higher sulfur content is highly damaging to equipment and the environment.
So to even export the crude, they must import light crude to basically cut it.
I love The Hunt for Red October and its version of Jack Ryan. It’s a great story about one nerd being in the right place at the right time with a head full of nerd knowledge that’s perfect for solving one situation.
I drive that stretch of the road most days of the week. Fuck that guy.
This is what we get when we play God.