
“preface, I didn’t spend a lot of time proof-reading this, you will get the gist though”

So you’re opposed to gay marriage but in favor of the ERA?

It wasn’t my choice to make it political. That was the misguided decision of others.

So what time is sunrise today?

Great. Show us the path. Cuz somebody needs to. Quick.

which worked

I want a new game plan.

Sounds more like about a hundred excuses.

Now I know why we’re losing.

Roberts? He cast the deciding vote to save the ACA. He looks like Ginsburg compared to Thomas. And he seems healthy as a horse.

Conservatives all have their pet issues too, but they will all rally behind a single one - “against the left”. We don’t do that. And that is one major reason why we lose.

So why don’t we stack the deck for a change?

Me too.

Conservatives think about it as “us vs them” and they get a lot of shit done. Like winning elections.

Thanks, but we’re not going backwards.

So basically cater to white hetero male fragility?

If we pay him enough, Bill Belichick will take the DNC Chair job. Game over.

At this point I’m ready to try “charisma and emotion and prejudice and fear and misguided opinions.” And whatever else it takes to win.

No doubt. He got tons. So how do we get it?

Finally, an actual plan. A plan focused on winning instead of excuses. A crazy plan. But a plan.