
He may not have stood for the North Koreans but he was sure to give them a stony glare from where he was so they could see the resolve of the American people. Or whatever bullshit it was that he spouted when he visited the DMZ. What an ass hat.

Mike Pence looks like a bigoted, grown up cabbage patch doll who just heard that there’s an interracial couple moving in next door

Fuck that literal mother fucker

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Not to mention that weird way they hold their mouths like they’re being caught mid exhale. What is that?!

Aren’t all whites racist to some degree whether they know it or not?

Ivanka’s “job”: Show up somewhere dressed expensively, look concerned/understanding, nod, mention the word “women”, and the day’s work is done!

“It is hard. There’s a level of viciousness that I was not expecting,”

I don’t know that this article establishes clearly:

He goes into a tanning bed with gloves on, apparently.

It’s weird to me how young his hands look compared to his face. That’s the opposite of many people I know.

This is so deliciously good.

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

Some people wouldn’t have the balls to declare a mission a success and in the same breath talk about a soldier that died on the mission. To paraphrase Trump, I like commanders who don’t get their soldiers killed.

He has zero credibility, having humiliated himself by aggressively and repeatedly lying to the press. It’s like Communism, telling lies on behalf of the megalomaniac in charge. I can cry for America and that’s no exaggeration.

Let’s not forget that today, Spicer called the Yemen raid a success and said that to not consider it a success was disrespectful to slain Navy SEAL CPO Ryan Owens.

I don’t feel sorry for Spicer. When Trump a Lump told Spicer to go out and berate the press after the inauguration, he should’ve quit. That orange faced moron asked you to go out and tell a lie that was easily proven to be a lie. That was a big old neon hit to pack your shit and go.

Maybe anything Trump touches turns orange?

DO 👏🏾 NOT 👏🏾 FEEL 👏🏾 SORRY 👏🏾 FOR 👏🏾 HER!!!

Not trying to be that guy but honestly asking out of curiousity. Are these paid advertisements or are they honest reviews? I know that Gawker gets a cut from sales of these items but I wasn’t sure if that meant whether the actual article was neutral or not.

Not trying to be that guy but honestly asking out of curiousity. Are these paid advertisements or are they honest