I mean, I could send you a pretty extensive list. Please tell me more about my state.
I mean, I could send you a pretty extensive list. Please tell me more about my state.
I get this isn’t a glamorous job, but is it really necessary to shit on this guy for working?
I miss what Jezebel used to be.
Thank you for acknowledging what I was saying. I would reiterate though, that your definition of “peaceful” is still in a combat zone. And that you don’t actually know what he’s been diagnosed with.
I say this as a veteran myself, and someone who works in higher education for veterans. You don’t have to see “combat” for it to change you. Many of my friends who never left the FOB, but had to deal with the bloody vehicles, or sitting helpless with while listening to the radio transmissions of units under attack…
Well, I am a Person of Color (Indian Colored, to be exact) and I agree with Colbert.
I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.
Gawker Media using misleading headlines, who'da thunk it!
I don’t consider Kanye’s interruption to be one of sexism, but one of narcissism. He truly believed (believes) his words and point of view are more important than everyone else’s.
I love how everyone is all ‘feminism” and “respect women’ and “equality” until its a rich white (altho half palestinian) girl who has worked very hard for her own career and financial independence then you cant stomach her success and belittle her accomplishments, as if all rich ppl are on the cover of vogue. It makes…
The pics are cool, hats off to the photographer and his editing team.
I love RBG more than I love my dog (who I love more than most people), but I am not too sure about this move. Her insights weren’t exactly ground-breaking and I don’t know what they added, and she may have crossed a line. Other justices, Scalia particularly, talk politics, but I’ve only ever seen them do so AFTER a…
I’m not a fan of Scalia’s politics or his views on the Constitution but I don’t recall him ever publicly speculating about how a specific Presidential candidate’s election would affect the country while he was still sitting on the SC. He certainly did not hide hid views in his court rulings or his opinions after…
I am a male bartender and I believe that it is good advice for all people to not get so drunk that you are no longer in control of yourself and what might happen to you. I recognize my male privilege that I can more easily get wasted and toddle back to my sketchy neighborhood. But even so, I can be assaulted, mugged…
Today, someone who has given so much to so many...
Hey, Iggy is the lucky one here. She doesn't have to be married to or tied to a jerk. I suppose Ms. Green is fortunate too as she can live off child support and her dubious fame as a celebrity quasi-mistress.
She prefers the view from up there. I have never seen someone so ready to believe comments that hype her up. Her arrogance is astonishing and the worst part of this site.
Also, an article of yours just ran with the title “I Now Pronounce These Two Allowed to Fuck” about Ciara and her fiancé...right after an article about a Black man dying in the street.
Best RL fanfic, 5/5, would read again
“Was it hard to “do it”?” I whispered gently salivating into my children’s portioned French toast.