Miss Sloth

Ive been crying all day. I was feeling optimistic, but now I feel exactly how I did after the election.

Ohhh man, that paragraph spoke to me as a mom. I have literally had multiple times where I’ve had to walk away and just scream into a pillow. And that’s with a perfectly lovely normal kid! It happens and it’s refreshing to hear someone own up to it and not pretend like just because you’re a parent you’ve suddenly

Well, that’s parenting right there!  I have lost my shit with regularity.

I am really digging January Jones lately! A few months ago, a fellow Jezzie was talking about how great her Instagram is, and it’s true. She seems really funny and self-aware. This quote of hers from the link is hitting home hard for me today, as the mother of a demanding toddler:

Old TV’s used to have that smell, which I assume is what she is talking about? Fellow Olds will remember when you turned it on and got the “bwonnggg” sound and the static? It had sort of a metal smell.

Can we just have a round of appreciation here for the Jezebel writers, who have been ON THIS SHIT like nobody’s business? I am filled with love right now.


Yay! A spoiler! I’m so glad it was in the title :)

My daughter started vomiting after throwing a fit at a Burlington Coat Factory, I wasn’t even thinking and caught that shit right in my hands.

I had been dating this guy for a few months, and after a relative’s funeral, I met him for drinks (beer and wings). We went back to my place, eventually went to sleep, and I woke up in the middle of the night and was immediately violently ill. No time to even turn my head. I threw up chicken wings and beer all over

I am what I call a sympathetic vomiter, my toddler son threw up in my kitchen and my husband and I played rock paper scissors as to who had to clean it up and I lost. I tried I really did but while cleaning it up I threw up on top of it. my husband’s response “well thats a good way of getting out of it”

I worked as a wilderness guide in a rehab for young adults 18+ and most of our clients didn’t have wilderness experience and were somewhat unwillingly (at least, at first) backpacking around for weeks without showers and whatnot. Many of them were chill, but many were horrified, and I mean horrified, about shitting in

Story 1: So, let me offer the following backstory: I’m lactose intolerant. That’s it, that’s the whole backstory.

Innocuous fact: My grandma kept a baggie full of drinking straws, napkins and supermarket produce bags in the glovebox of my grandpa’s Oldsmobile for kiddo soda drinking occasions and such (bag was for trash, natch).

my dad is a big jerk. my mom was taking her engineering exam thing (PE exam or something???) and it was in SF. he drove her. as it was at 8am, and traffic into SF is hellish, they had to leave very early and loaded up the kids in the back of the car, seats down, blankets and pillows piled it. it was sort of fun. so

Criminy, that’s awful!

When I was young our house was broken into and I noticed the intruder hiding under my moms bed by looking in a floor length mirror she had. Guess who’s not a fan of using a bed frame?

This happened to me just last week. I work closely with some national-level artifacts that are very sacred to the native tribes whose ancestors contributed to them. These artifacts are on public display in their own room in the institution where I work, and I like to go and sing to them most days. I am not from the

This happened several years ago, when I first moved to L.A. and rented a place in a charmingly old/frustratingly old building. I almost took the efficiency next door, but splurged and went for the studio. I’m glad I did, and not just for the stove and the small amount of extra space. 

I grew up in a small town on an Indian reservation. Most houses in this town (old rundown project houses) had creepy histories and stories. Some worse than others. One house stood out in particular.