But AOC wasn’t crediting Bernie for CHIP.
But AOC wasn’t crediting Bernie for CHIP.
I believe the idea behind AOC mentioning she has to use CHIP as a child is that if we had a proper health care system that wasn’t for profit and everyone had access to get the care they need CHIP wouldn’t be needed. CHIP does a good thing but it shouldn’t be needed because access to health care should be a basic human…
Lifelong integrity in the fight is something important Bern has over Warren. It’s hard to trust politicians, so it’s hard for many to get behind someone who changed her views sooooo drastically
What I’m basing my decision on currently:
Neera Tandeen of the Center for American Progress took particular issue with a moment during Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement speech in which she said, “When I was a child that relied on CHIP so that I could see a doctor, Bernie Sanders fought for a single-payer healthcare system.”
> men who reply to women’s tweets like it’s their job, adding their own little take, no matter the subject
Wait, isn’t this what Twitter is *for*? Or is the important distinction that they only do this to women’s tweets? (Do we know this?)
Hey, do you all remember when Obama bombed those schools? Or took a stand against protestors amongst a wave of highly publicised murders of black people by police? Or bailed the banks out of the GFC while doing absolutely nothing for the people whose lives the banks destroyed?
Rodgers should shut up & go quietly to the team owner to solve this, not air his grievances to the public.
Except that they likely wanted to make the suspension last as long as possible, and by announcing it today after a Cubs win, it would include any more games the Cubs would have been playing between now and the end of the World Series. That would be between three and 19 fewer games he would sit out next season.
So basically, he was on indefinite administrative leave until the Cubs’ season ended, and then was officially suspended.
lmao PropOrNot
You would rather pay more via premiums and copays (while still paying the insane salaries of insurance company CEO’s, not covering everyone, and making your company dedicate money to health insurance than spend it on employees and raises) than what your taxes would be?
Thanks for the info Paul Ryan.
“Double wages for working at McDonalds and you accomplish very little other than raising inflation and increasing the costs for consumer goods”
They all pay FICA. Take the cap off that and Social Security and Medicare will be doing great.
No. This is good, this is a good move. A top 5 prospect in Jimenez and another top 100 in Cease. Basically this means that the Yankees were not going to part with either Torres or Frazier and that the Astros had no intention of moving Tucker.
As in Chapo Trap House? If so, I love you! Chapo keeps me from sticking my head in the oven.
Folks......... this is a bus
They don’t want to do the leg work to figure out which politician will govern effectively have the time to inform themselves about the candidates because theyre working two jobs in order to afford rent andother trivialities such as health insurance premiums that exceed 40% of their net monthly income