Carl Orkmansen

Everybody is a whiny child about losing at that level. The competitive instinct is frankly whacked out and makes for some pretty unbalanced ppl who play the game. What’s interesting is the difference in response (stolen from another thread)

No they’re not any better than Cam, fuck that. He is being a bitch, and they are bitches too, in fact often much worse

Yeah this does sound bad, but it also sounds like another story I remember from Chicago where a bunch of roided up cops on a strike team were being tough guys off the clock and beat the shit out of some guys for no reason: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-05-19/new…

I think your taek is pretty hot

“Thing others find funny I do not, in fact, find funny. Sorry others”

How is it that other countries are able to manage such a thing?

You’re a crybaby Fuck

fuck you chief

Fuck you chief

Skip breakfast, eat from 10-6 every day. Fast for 16 hours. If you know you’re going out that night, do 12-8. If this is too hardcore, do it during the workweek. You may get headaches, but that’s the worst of it. THere’s no science behind breakfast firing up your metabolism. Skip it if you can.

That’s funny because Buffalo has some of the fewest chain restaurants in the country. You sound like a pretentious shit

Is this the best defense you can come up with? If Ashley weren’t his wife, there would be no suspsicion of Manning. But she is, so there is.

Nobody says they’re mouth breathers. They’re fake-pious ‘jes folks’ holier than thou crackers

Uh yeah actually you’re right. I am, in fact, the colossal dipshit. Noted.

I’m talking about the stadium, not the team. The ‘book’ in your analogy

All off those things are privately owned and financed, you colossal dipshit

Poor lil kiddo, you’re a bot and you don’t even know it

Tell us more about Ethics in Journalism

That’s a compliment to Gawker, you whiny little putz

False equivalence is false