
Were they greeted as educators?

Polka will never die!

Matt Gaetz with a child.

I was hoping that after he got beat in the primary, he’d stand up and peel off the mask... SACHA BARON COHEN the whole time!

I’m not caught up so I’m not digging too deep into spoilers. So I’m going to assume from just the headline the big bad are Warp 10 salamanders coming to reclaim their ancestral home. All replies should only confirm this, even if not true.

You went with "wow" in the header when "Oh boy" was RIGHT THERE?

Ya know what I’mma miss about Hickman’s run? The way Douglas Ramsey was handled. The guy everyone underestimates cos his powers aren’t flashy or as outwardly deadly as the blue metamorph with skulls all over her. The one Mystique calls ‘boy’. Doug, by the way is 24 years old. Him and The Red Queen, Kate Pryde are the

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

I qualified for the vaccine because I’m technically obese so thank you, Krispy Kreme, for making sure I qualify for the next one as well.

So this waste of space wonders, as a righteous and god-fearing Xtian, WWJD? Apparently republican jesus’ best idea on offer was that he should get his gun and murder everyone he sees that turns him on.

He should have called...

“I’m Jewish, so I know the pain of discrimination. I’m from a broken home, so I understand latchkey kids and the importance of family. My father was bankrupt 3 times and is now in jail and my father in law was in jail for years. I lost my job in 2021 and my husband can’t pay the mortgage on his business. My

Cancel? I would time-travel to kick Fred Sr. in the dick and balls until they stop working if I could.

He’s wrong.  Most people see him as an asshole.

There were three series that got me into comics:

I’m sure the city searches were from confused users who thought they were typing into the “Find MILFs Near You” ad search box. 

Got to admit, I’m not sure about these new Skaven.

there isn’t a room in our house that my wife doesn’t have used books stacked - please help...