
I'm more inclined to think the way they are going to do it is they'll let you 'sell it' back to Microsoft at a steeply discounted resale value, possibly payed in the form of intangibles like clothing DLC for some other game you have. I doubt they are then going to in any way offer to sell someone else the 'used'

I don't know why they run out these awkward MS execs. This is a big deal and they leave the presentation to these MS employees who are not professional presenters. They would have been much better off with and actor or someone trained to present. I can hardly watch these guys nervously go through their heavily

I don't either.

I don't either. Something about that constant, grating, too-cool-for-school smugness just rubs me the wrong way. Then again, that slightly douchey quality is something I see in a lot of Joss Whedon's characters and dialogue.

You're not alone, I don't get it either. Or Felicia Day. I think these are people that have done "geeky" projects before, but aren't really geeks, but for some reason the internet worships them as geek cult heroes. To each their own, though...but we may be in the minority here. And I don't enjoy any of the shows that

I lost it when I saw this. What makes it worse is that I know the game that this is from.

Whoops. The...uh..."Sorceress" is mine, but the Seaman shop belongs to Orionsangel.

The Seaman one is amazing!

Now playing

I've always loved the character of John Marston. Especially the sound of his voice, Haha. Here you can hear my impression of him.

As someone who also was growing up in this age, this is very true. Even my parents had a few games they liked to play on Atari and Coleco.